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The Watering Hole

In recovery, the following books, Dry Bar Comedy clips, and captivating videos can help us stay motivated and on the right path to building a successful sober way of life.

Good Reads

Good Reads

We chose the following books that give incredible insight and advice into everyday life, especially post-addiction recovery.

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Appearing when things look darkest, the mysterious, elderly man with white hair carrying a battered old suitcase shows up when he’s needed most. This book, by Andy Andrews, will inspire readers to take that first step toward a major life change. Read chapter one now.

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Focusing on any one of the four agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz, can greatly improve your life and decrease stress… focusing on all four can really be life changing for many people. A read, and read again. Listen to the core message.

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In The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis, damned spirits are given a vacation or a “holiday” away from Hell to visit Heaven, where they are invited to stay forever. But, they can only get to Heaven by leaving behind what is keeping them in Hell and accepting the love of God.

Laughter Truly is the Best Medicine​

Why is laughter life’s natural medication? Because, when you laugh, your brain sends

out signals that produce the production of endorphins.


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